Tired of a busy mind?
Feeling a little lost, disconnected and worn out by life?
Rediscover your Soul in our 7 Week Himalayan Meditation challenge that will leave you smiling from within :)
Himalayan Meditation is non-religious and universal practice suitable for all faiths, beliefs and bodies... no mind is too busy not to benefit!
Watch the video below and start your challenge today!

From: David & Rajni Wegman
Location: Kailash Ashram, Victoria, Australia

Hey there!

It's David and Rajni, nice to meet you!

I'll cut to the chase because your time is precious...

Depression, anxiety and whole heap of inner turmoil almost took a catastrophic toll on both of our lives...

Lets not even mention the other things that were pulling us down...
....does our story sound a little familiar?
We hear you. 

Life can be rough.

But we are living proof that there is hope and that even the most unlikely Souls can come out on top.

We went from being on the edge, to literally living our dream life, doing what we love (helping others)... rather quickly...
...and our belief is that you can do it too.
Are you ready to step more fully into yourself, letting go of the past and welcoming in a positive, bright future?

The source of our success is SHOCKING!
Surprisingly, it was learning to do... 'Nothing' 

This is the ancient practice of Himalayan Meditation.

After learning a simple daily meditation practice, we found room to breathe.

This reconnected us to our Soul... and soon after we started to welcome in a happy life.

From a quiet mind, we heard our calling...

Are you interested in hearing yours?

We invite you to read on as we share with you our Himalayan Meditation Challenge, 7 Weeks to the Soul. 
Before we share more about the ancient Himalayan Meditation practice, we feel it is important for you to get to know us a little better.

It'll take you about 5 minutes to read through our story, so please bookmark this page if you don't have the time right now.  

Or if you just want to jump straight into the challenge, hit that button below.

Our Story

We are normal people who live a full life in society (we certainly aren't monks!)

From the left, David, Rajni, Tara and Rishaan.

As of 2024, we have taught thousands of people a daily Himalayan Meditation practice.
Supporting your journey of personal growth through meditation and traditional yoga is our passion, purpose, our joy and our calling. 
You can see some of the smiling faces from our retreat students at our retreat centre in the Australian Outback.

But it hasn't always been like that...

"I was lost"

Hey it's David!

I was lost.

Burnt out

Depressed and Anxious.

That's me pictured below on my 4th deployment to Afghanistan.

An overachiever and go-getter, I threw myself at everything and found my way into the Special Forces at the age of 18.

Literally, I was fighting my way through life.

Multiple deployments as a Sniper played havoc on my mind and body and disconnected me from my Soul.

By 30, I was a complete mess.

Addictions to alcohol, pornography and a toxic self-relationship tormented me.

One day I broke down. 

I knew I couldn’t go on.

Not like this....
My life began to resemble one of the horrific blasts that I would have to turn out to in Kabul...
I'll never forget the moment I cried for help.

... Somehow, Even Though I Didn't Believe It Could, 
The Universe Heard Me!

And thank God for that!

Soon after breaking down I realised I needed to change.

I found myself on the other side of the country with a weekend off. 

I felt a strange call to "learn to meditate."

I did what we all seem to do these days, I googled “Meditation retreat, Perth.” 

As fate would have it, and in typical 'David' last minute style, I found onto the only retreat I could find. 

Little did I know that...
...Himalayan Meditation would change my life.
I was expecting Buddhist monks who would whack me if I slouched... 

Structure. Discipline. Just like the Army.

But I was disappointed... 

The retreat was full of very normal people from all walks of life

That first meditation was tough...

30 minutes of 'doing nothing' felt like a lifetime...

My body ached, my mind raced.

But even after a few meditations, I began to notice change.

Even though the retreat was 'meh', the Meditation practice that was shared... 

WOW, now that was something special!

It pushed me to go beyond myself, it terrified me.
But it also felt like home...

The Himalayan Meditation practice came to me when I was least expecting it.

30 minutes of doing nothing (every day) catalysed a period of massive transformation, healing and growth.
On retreat I met the Himalayan Master who has shared this practice for 30+ years around the world.

He spent 16 years in the remote mountains studying under esteemed Yogis and Saints. 

The message I received from Him; 

"Let Go."
It confronted me.

As a soldier, you never give up, you fight till you die...

It rocked my boat. 

Actually it blasted me into space....

So I did what Swami Shivkrupanand instructed me to do;

Meditate every day for 45 days (7 weeks) and if you like who you become, keep at it. 

If not, let it go...

*** Insert your soul is your guru"

Then, completely by surprise, and only 3 weeks later without any notable 'meditation experiences'...


I heard an inner call...

I had to get out of the Army.

After 13 years, having just got qualified to do everything I ever wanted, I left without warning.

The same week a toxic relationship had ended...

My life was in chaos.

As all of the supports fell away, I found that my daily meditation was a place of calm in the chaos and uncertainty.

I lay down the Sniper rifle and armed myself with a glimmer of hope.

My Soul was back.

And He wasn't happy with who I'd become... 
In a matter of weeks, I was healing. 

Growing. Expanding. 

Learning about myself.

Forgiving myself for the wrong that I had done.

I felt a sense of comfort in simply 'being me.'

And Every Single Day, I would sit, doing 'nothing' for 30 minutes...

Even though my mind would race, I would stick with it.


Because I felt deeply that Himalayan Meditation was helping me to reconnect to my Soul.

Guided from within, I kept at the daily practice.

It was hard, but there was no way I was going to fail that challenge!
When I quit the Army, I stopped counting my 45 day challenge.

I clung to that practice like a shipwrecked sailor to a piece of wood.

Just a few short months later, fate guided me to move to the Grampians a few hours from Melbourne, Australia.

Previously I had wanted to escape the city for quite selfish reasons (I wanted to be away from it all.)

Now it was my Soul calling the shots.

When I stumbled across my dream property, I knew that...

This place MUST be shared...
Just as I began renovating my life, inspired by a vision for helping others...

out of the blue, a friend invited me to join her in India...

I was invited to sit before the founder of the Himalayan Meditation practice, an esteemed Saint and Yogi, Swami Shivkrupanand with 13,000 other meditators from all over the world...
A few days later a small group of us were given a private audience...

His only advice...

“Come back to India in 4 months for the 8 day Meditation Workshop”

Then he turned to my friend, the translator and said

"Make sure he comes!"

I had trekked all the way to India and this was all I got,  ....come back later?!

So obviously I made sure to come back...

Hey! It's Rajni...

My family used to call me "the little saint!"

After growing up in rural France as the only ethnic family in our town, exposed to the traditional Hindu culture at home, and Catholicism at school, I have always had a very deep spiritual side.

After I graduated, I couldn't wait to leave sleepy Lisieux, and moved to Paris to experience the city life.
I loved Paris.

But life threw me the worst imaginable trauma, and I was lucky to survive the mental anguish that resulted.
I hid my depression and anxiety behind alcohol and a fake smile.

I put on the tough girl exterior, and I had the world convinced.

I ran away from myself and started a life and a family in the UK, but deep down I knew I was still haunted by the past.
One day it all got too much.

I knew I needed to come to terms with my experience.

I knew I had to get some mental relief and to finally be done with the past.

I knew I had to learn to love myself.

Himalayan Meditation entered my life

...and I instantly found a reconnection to my Soul. 

I threw myself at the practice, meditating daily and soon after helping to guide others, setting up a meditation centre, an online meditation community and even helping to start an Ashram in the UK.
Tragically, my marriage was falling apart due to my ex’s alcoholism.

Then one day, a friend insisted I join her meditation retreat.
I made arrangements for my Son, and took my courage.

I finally said YES to me.

For the first time in my life...

 I said Yes to myself!

On the retreat I found space to be me, free from my responsibility and unhappy home life.

I was inspired by friendships, nature and beautiful meditations. 

I returned home knowing that things had to change.... 
Shortly after my ex left me, and I got divorced.

I single parented for 7 years with my daily meditation being my rock - giving me the courage, strength and persistence to go on through uncertain times.

I proved to myself that I could do it alone.

But my heart still ached for a special connection…

In 2018, my meditation master, Swami Shivkrupanand sent me a message via a friend;

“Tell Rajni to come to India, it’ll change her life…”

Fate wove us together, in India!

We met at Mumbai Airport, en route to the same 8 day meditation workshop, 

We were both guided to be there by our Meditation Master, Swami Shivkrupanand.

Instantly, we fell in love.

We discovered a shared passion for meditation, yoga and helping others grow beyond their limitations.
Out of this love, the seed of Kailash Ashram was planted...

In our hearts we know we were brought together to help share Himalayan Meditation and to support normal people reconnecting to their Soul.

Welcome to Kailash

Home of the Soul!

In 2018, we established Kailash as a retreat centre, and later during Covid we became a spiritual community. 

This phase taught us a lot about working with people... the good, the bad and the ugly!

It also gave us a rare glimpse behind the scenes on many of the ‘meditation retreats’ out there (it would shock you what goes on!)

Since then we have shared meditation with hundreds of people who have stayed with us on retreat...

Workshops, day retreats, multi day retreats, leadership camps and more... we have shared meditation everywhere.

Himalayan Meditation brings the most consistent, transformative change. Period.

Unlike many practices that require you to do several hours per day, we found 30 minutes is totally 'doable.' 

But unlike the modern or new-age practices or basic 'mindfulness' meditations or apps, Himalayan Meditation has roots in a tradition 800 years old...

...so you are in safe hands knowing that this practice works and has worked for hundreds of years.

Himalayan Meditation is suitable for all faiths, beliefs and cultures.

It isn't religious and does not require you to change anything about your life!

That said, it is POWERFUL.
Without exaggeration, we have seen people change (for the better) extremely quickly... 

But simply learning Himalayan Meditation isn't enough; you have to do it every day for it to work.

That is our goal, to get you practicing where it counts, at home.

At the end of all of our retreats, we give our students exactly the same challenge that was given to us...

Meditate every day for 45 days.

Only then will you know if it is for you.

(Or not. We aren't here to pressure you and will love you all the same if it isn't for you!)

We have seen though, that those who make it to 45 days gain a greater sense of inner peace and freedom from within.

Are you ready for that?
For us, there is no greater feeling than seeing the profound change in our students lives; whether online, or on retreat.

The realisations, the tears, the laughter and the camaraderie.

Himalayan Meditation is deep work. 

It will challenge you. It will test you. 

It has made me a better Dad, and Rajni a better Mum...

As a couple, it is the glue that holds us together...

Are you ready to discover what this simple practice will bring you?

To Help You Get Started With Your Inner Journey...

We have created a 7 Week Himalayan Meditation Challenge; 

We called it Seven Weeks to the Soul because in as little as 7 Weeks you will be able to rediscover your inner-most Self.

We call that your Soul.

During 7 Weeks of consistent meditation, you will turn the volume up on your Soul so that it is practically screaming at you from within! 

It will guide you.

It will heal you.

It will support. 

Our program is composed of a self-guided journey through online resources and weekly live engagement sessions.

It will only take you 30 minutes per day.

Ultimately, we made this challenge for the old 'us.'

Nothing like this existed back then... 

We had to make a bunch of mistakes.

We did it the hard way.

Now, after sharing with thousands of people and running a full time Ashram, we are in the best position to know exactly what you need to succeed on the path of meditation. 

Accountability and consistency are everything.

In Seven Weeks To The Soul you will get access to crystal clear guidance without useless exercises that don't work (and that you would probably never do.)

All of the essential resources and guides are included...

For Only $7.00

Yep... for about the price of a large coffee, you can get access to a framework that took Rajni and I over 20 years to develop.

OFFER STACK + Buy Now Buttons

Get instant access to 
"7 Weeks to the Soul", right now for only $7!

  INSTANT ACCESS to your online members space
  "Himalayan Meditation Masterclass" - Instruction in the ancient, proven practice of Himalayan Meidtation. ($Priceless)
  "Understand Your Why" - 1 Hour Motivational Presentation and Accompanying Self-Reflection Activity (Value $97)
  "Meditation Log" - Online meditation journal, timers, audio files -  your HQ for the challenge . (Value $97)
  "7 x Live Questions and Answers" - 30 minute group Q&A session, every week. (Value $97)
  "7 x Collective Meditations" - 30 minute group meditation in our Zoom Room, every week. (Value $97)
  "How to sit comfortably" - Video workshop. ($97)

Total Value $487

Today Just $7.00!

It Doesn't Matter How Busy Your Mind Is... 
7 Weeks to the Soul  will work for you!
In fact...
We have shared meditation with people in ALL DEMOGRAPHICS and we all use EXACTLY THE SAME TECHNIQUE! 
We use it to achieve EVERYTHING you can dream of, like:
  • ​Gaining Clarity
  • ​Finding Insight
  • ​Reducing Stress
  • ​Overcoming Anxiety
  • ​Beating Depression
  • ​Building Self-Love
  • Healing Trauma
  • ​​Increasing Focus
  • Following Our Dreams
  • Finding Joy
  • ​Creating Connection
  • ​Speaking Our Truth
  • and many, many more!

"I'm Living My Dream Life Doing What I Love!"

I'm a humble guy by nature, and I've only recently learned that by sharing my success, I can inspire others (I'm certainly not bragging!)

Within 3 Weeks of meditating, I quit a job and relationship that were going to kill me....

Within 6 Months, I stumbled across my dream property and with no plans bought it...

Within 10 months I met the woman of my dreams and within 5 days of knowing her, asked her to marry me (full disclosure; it took a few more months to convince her!)

Within 12 Months we established a retreat centre, Kailash Ashram where we share our passion of meditation and yoga every day.

Within 2 Years, My Wife gave birth to the daughter of our dreams, (after doctors gave her a 2% chance of conceiving) 

Why do I share this?

Because meditation helped me remove the obstacles on my path (my mind!)

All of this was without the 'struggle' that I was unconsciously addicted to...

I traded HARD SLOG and learned to flow through life, by LISTENING.

How do I listen to my inner guide? By meditating every single day

Sure, I still put in effort and work hard, and some days are rough, the ups and downs of life don't stop
...but now I work from a peaceful place, knowing that my efforts are in the RIGHT DIRECTION, serving something deeper inside of me.

You might be thinking, what is the Himalayan Meditation experience like?

Don't take our word for it... Hear from some of our past students about their stories of Growth, Healing and Transformation

NOTE: These students attended Kailash Ashram on retreat and received EXACTLY the same Himalayan Meditation practice as you will get in 7 Weeks to the Soul

“It was amazing… from start to finish… we were all broken open!”

Seeking to heal, grow, and recalibrate, Fiona used the Soul Retreat to set up her daily meditation practice and to hit the reset button.

Fiona left the retreat pointing in a healthy direction (away from the past and towards her true goals.) 

"I feel so much more 'Me'... I feel relief!"

Helen was dominated by her old self-limiting beliefs & past trauma and as a result of that she lost touch with her true-self.

Helen attended our Soul Retreat at Kailash Ashram and during the retreat she was able to rediscover herself, let go of past trauma and old self limiting beliefs.

“It was a moment when I felt I have conquered something, I feel energised and joyous for tomorrow!”

Rohan was struggling with traumatic life experiences and found it hard to believe in himself. He didn't knew what he had to do next...

During our Soul Retreat at Kailash Ashram he gained a new perspective which helped him to enter into the new chapter of his life.

“I've never felt more connected to a group of people, I'll never forget that!”

Will was a Soul searching for connection who attended our Soul Retreat at Kailash Ashram.

During his retreat, Will found connection to himself and to a loving and supportive group and stepped into a lighter, happier self.

... and they aren't alone!

So David, what's the catch? 

I know, it's a heap of value and you may be thinking why on earth are we throwing all of this at you (especially for 7 bucks!?) 

There must be something sneaky going on?

Nope. Not in the slightest. 

Let me reassure you, there is no subscription or hidden fees etc.

We feel we have a moral duty to give the meditation away at cost-price

Like the air we breathe, we feel your connection to your Soul should be free.

We do have some costs to advertise and host our program online, so your $7 fee goes to supporting our mission of sharing of Himalayan meditation. 

Kailash Ashram is a social enterprise, so even if we make surplus, your funds go to supporting a good cause.

Now to let you in on my cunning plan, FULL DISCLOSURE! I want to teach you more than meditation...

We run life changing retreats at our centre, and also have other yoga and meditation programs. 

I am hoping that if you meet us online, like us and connect to us... that if we blow you away with the same practice that changed our life, that you will consider joining us for one of our other offerings. 

Some yoga and meditation practices are great online, others are best shared in person but for you to feel that it is worth coming all the way to Australia, you'll need to have some experience first.

...but you'll have to be quick!

This is our first online meditation program. 

Our life is busy running the Ashram and we aren't sure how long we will be able to support the online program into the future...

Rest assured though, if you see this page that means all of the live sessions are still running (and don't forget, you will have lifetime access to your pre-recorded content!)

...and please feel secure with our 100% Karma Free guarantee... 

If for whatever reason 7 Weeks to the Soul lets you down, even if it is because you think meditation should be free of charge, or you find it too difficult or you just want a freebie... simply email us and we will refund you in full, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!


Selfishly, I don't want the bad karma of a single unhappy person out there!
What a journey, thank you for your time and attention. 

I truly hope that you take the next step towards your own dream life, wherever that is. 

I want to give you this gift of meditation and a proven way of establishing a daily practice because I know that if you do it with full belief, that it will transform your life

And as someone who practices this and benefits from it every day, I feel that I owe that to you.

I look forward to seeing you inside your the members area!

David (& Rajni) Wegman
P.S. Did you just scroll to the bottom of the page to see what the deal was ;) ?!

You get our Meditation Challenge 7 Weeks to the Soul that is based on the same practice that over one million meditators have used to transform their life and pursue their true calling.

I spent 18 years slogging away and have shared my experience in a 7 week challenge to get you started on your daily meditation practice, today! 

You will get instant access to a step-by-step framework on how to establish your daily meditation practice so that you can reclaim a life of inner peace.

Just click the button below right now to get started!
YES! Give Me Instant Access To 
7 Weeks To The Soul For Just $7.00 (USD) !
Want it for free? Simply purchase now and send an email and we will re-imburse you 100% of the cost.
 Step #1: Contact Information
 Step #2: Billing Address
 Step #3: Checkout
Everything You Will Receive
  • Himalayan Meditation Masterclass (Value $Priceless)
  • Full Access To Meditation Log (Value $197)
  • Master Your Mindset - Understand your Why 1 hr motivational story  (Value $197)
  • Weekly Live Questions And Answers Session​(Value $197)
  • Lifetime Access To Audio & Video Meditation Files  (Value $197)
Total Value: $885
Today Just $7 USD

ONE TIME OFFER - Only $27: Give yourself a break and let me guide you through sound into meditation. This is an exclusive set of 7 x Sound Meditations, one released each week through the challenge, personally recorded and played by me, David Wegman. Lay down, turn the volume up and drift off into a peaceful state, PERFECT FOR A STRESS FREE SLEEP. Featuring singing bowls, gong and an array of soothing instruments. Click YES to add this to your order now for just $27 (FULL VALUE $297)

Items Total
Dynamically Updated $XX.00
By providing us with your information you are consenting to the collection and use of your information in accordance with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
Disclaimer: We share a universal meditation practice that has changed ours and many other's lives. We, nor any other human, can guarantee that others will achieve the results that we have. The goal of this practice is to be living your own dreams, the meditation may make you aware of what is obstructing you, and you may be required to grow into someone who can handle the life you seek! Where there is growth, there is sometimes pain. Our best advice, is like us, to stick with the practice, with full faith, Every Single Day. 
©2024 7 Weeks to the Soul, Himalayan Meditation & Kailash Mountain Collective Pty Ltd